Monday, August 3, 2009

More Current Weigh Down News Coming Soon!

We LOVE airing all of the life-changing messages, music, and testimonies that make up our Web Radio Station - WDWB - Weigh Down Web Radio. What we're super-excited to announce is that we plan to do even MORE "current event"-type of programming...starting soon! We'll share what's happening in Weigh Down participants' lives, their amazing stories and answered prayers, and we'll even take requests from all over the world for NEW programming ideas! Stay tuned for more announcements!


  1. Awesome start! Looking forward to future posts!

  2. Thank you so much for this free web radio. i love having it on in the backround to keep me focused on the "Real food" which is Jesus Christ!

  3. What a true blessing to be able to listen at anytime! This keeps me focused on God and doing HIS will.
