WOW! First thing's first! We are PRAISING GOD this morning for His powerful Hand...leading this Ministry's profile in the MEDIA right now! Did you SEE the WETV program "Secret Lives of Women" last night? The title is a little misleading...but behind the title, the point of last night's episode was about "extreme diets." NOW...anyone who knows ANYTHING about Weigh Down knows that NOTHING about it is "extreme." In FACT, here's a website that addresses that notion very specifically. The CONCEPT of returning to your normal, healthy weight WITHOUT dieting or "have-to" exercise is REVOLUTIONARY though in this generation. SO - on the show, Gwen and Weigh Down were featured as one of four types of "diets" or "philosophies of eating" profiled in an hour-long program. GOD really lifted UP and showed Gwen and this Ministry in a VERY POSITIVE, PRACTICAL, BEAUTIFUL light! It was wonderful! And when you looked and examined and compared the JOY and PEACE and RESULTS of how the Shamblins and Hannahs were shown...along with the Ministry and testimony footage...and the Remnant Fellowship church and the Assembly clips shown... VERSUS other options, it was AMAZING how GOD presented this to the world!!! Indeed, we PRAISE GOD!
And now, on with the Blog...
Consequence...Choice...Chain Reaction...
- In recent political stories, former New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer resigned after being involved in a Prostitution scandal. Former Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards pulled out of the 2008 Presidential race as he admitted to a sexual affair.
- In financial news, long-time, world-renown financier Bernie Madoff was convicted and sentenced to prison for conducting a years-long Ponzi scheme, costing lots of people millions of dollars in invested money.
- In sporting news, football player Steve McNair was gunned down by a woman with whom he was having an affair and football player Donte Stallworth served jailtime and is suspended from playing in the NFL for a year after killing a man while "driving while intoxicated."
Jesus chose WISELY in His hours of testing...choosing GOD'S will. Paul accepted his mission to preach Christ for the rest of his LIFE after persecuting Christians and then being confronted on the road to Damascus...choosing GOD'S will. Moses accepted his charge to lead GOD'S people and confront Pharaoh...choosing GOD'S will. David ignored fear of Goliath and feared GOD, killing the giant and leading Israel to victory...choosing GOD'S will. The list of GREATS goes on and on. EACH of them made key, crucial, life-altering decisions of abandoning their OWN wants or fears...and made decisions that set off CHAIN REACTIONS of MORE great decisions and MORE obedience to GOD and MORE good fruit. They are remembered for their beautiful love for GOD and are HONORED FOREVER for it. It all STARTED though...with making those INITIAL RIGHT DECISIONS of self-denial. We can REVERSE any curses and BAD chain reactions that we've wrongly started in our lives. We're WATCHING that HAPPEN right here with our Weigh Down participants! Marriages, families, finances, health...ALL of it is TURNING AROUND by the blessing and mercy of GOD. People are making the DECISION to END their cycle of self-indulgence and start a NEW chain of BLESSING for themselves, their families, and anyone who knows them. We'll talk about this awesome concept TODAY on WDWB TEDD ANGER stops by the studio for a visit about what he sees and hears on a daily basis in counsel and guidance of Weigh Down participants. He'll offer encouragement to anyone who wants to start this new CHAIN REACTION! Tune in at 3:30pm CST!
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