TV.com's website ranks the list of most popular "reality TV" shows currently, this week, this month, and of all time. On the list, you'll see everything from "Survivor" to "America's Next Top Model" to "Punk'd" to "Ghost Hunters" to "The Apprentice" to "Man Vs. Wild" and lots more. As an American (especially) culture, we've become fascinated...no...obsessed with...the shock value and rush that accompanies a camera supposedly capturing "what's really happening" in people's lives or in competition or in relationships. There are LOTS of ways to become "famous." In 1968, American painter, film-maker, print maker, and "pop artist" Andy Warhol stated his belief that, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Whether or not that ever comes to pass, the point in mentioning it is that it seems more people WANT that "15 minutes of fame" now than ever before. People INCREASINGLY will do outlandish, embarrassing, immoral, even DANGEROUS things to "be famous." WHY? For what PURPOSE?
JESUS CHRIST was and is the most "famous" person EVER to walk the face of the earth. Did He SEEK fame for attention or self-glorification? Did He swallow disgusting things or compete for the love of women or risk His life in competition or backstab and undercut the Apostles in an effort to make Himself look better? Did Peter or Paul do that? Moses? Abraham? Queen Esther? Mary, the mother of Jesus? YET, these men and women live "famously"...remembered and revered...for WHAT? 15 minutes? NO - ETERNALLY! As long as GOD allows the earth to spin, these and many other great saints' names will be honored and revered and imitated...because of their RIGHTEOUSNESS and DEVOTION to the One True and Only GOD Almighty! Hebrews 11 and 12 speak of the great people of faith, the "cloud of witnesses" who surround us and see the lives we're living. What IS your AMBITION? Anything other than bringing glory to GOD by RIGHTEOUS actions and a PURE heart will be fleeting. What's 15 minutes? GOD lifts up for an ETERNITY those who love Him with a WHOLE and PURE heart!
Gwen Shamblin also has written, spoken, and lived this way, with ETERNITY and glorifying GOD as a motive, and GOD continues to lift her, her family, and this Ministry UP in the MEDIA! TONIGHT on WETV, this Message will once again be featured as a way to be healthy, happy, and have peace in your life. Over the past couple of years, GOD has featured Weigh Down on The TODAY Show, FOX News' DaySide Show, The Tyra Banks Show, CBS' The INSIDER Show, the BBC, and much more. GOD also has put Weigh Down in lots of print media...like Good Housekeeping, People Magazine, Ladies Home Journal, and in many newspapers. We can tell you in all honesty that HE has made it all happen. Gwen is doing everything she can to follow in the footsteps of those GOD has lifted up over the years...taking that "fame" and pointing people UPWARD to GOD! The impact has been ETERNALLY life-changing for those who have put the principles into practice and now HAVE this peace, health, and happiness. And the RESULTS are SO much longer lasting...so much more noteworthy...than the 15 minutes of fame that the world offers. Please help us spread the word about this Ministry. Share this link to our main website, http://www.weighdown.com, with your family and friends. It is changing SO MANY people's lives for the BETTER. And GOD gets ALL of the glory! In FACT, we'll visit with CANDACE ANGER on today's WDWB LIVE about how GOD is using the MEDIA to spread the good news about this Ministry around the world. Don't miss it! 3:30pm CST...
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