WISDOM...- "Knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight." - Definition as stated at www.dictionary.com.
- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." - Solomon, in the book of Proverbs, Chapter 9, Verse 10.
- Solomon ALSO says in Proverbs 8:11 that "wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her."
SO - if WISDOM is more valuable than money and leads to every right decision...isn't this a perfect combination or recipe for happiness, satisfaction, and ultimately, SALVATION?
SO - why do most people NOT RUN after it? Ahhh...the 10 Trillion Dollar question!
You know what? It all comes back to something that
Gwen repeatedly has taught and emphasized over the years that provides priceless insight into that all-important question...It boils down to
AUTHORITY! You see, to seek WISDOM means you need to, according to
Solomon, FEAR the LORD...meaning He is more powerful and more knowledgeable than any of us. Therefore, if that is the BEGINNING of Wisdom, you would need to SUBMIT your will and your decisions and your eating, drinking, spending, thinking, acting, etc. to HIM...in order to GET Wisdom. He's the provider of it, and so it is given on HIS terms.
BUT...people don't want to do THAT. Sure...they'll read scientific words from Albert Einstein or humorous storytelling from Mark Twain or memoirs from Mother Theresa, but that's INFORMATION...not necessarily WISDOM. AND, you still "pick and choose" what you like and what you'll apply to your life. But KNOW THIS...
If it's not rooted in TOTAL LOVE for and OBEDIENCE to GOD ALMIGHTY...it's just information...NOT wisdom. Gaining factual knowledge about the world around us has its place, but what REALLY matters? It's what HAPPENS...where our SOULS GO...for all eternity! Isn't it? You may have even heard that WISDOM basically is "common sense." Ohhh...it is SO much MORE than that! In FACT, the PURSUIT of wisdom really is quite UNcommon. The desperate PURSUIT of the love of, knowledge of, fear of, personality of, imitation of...GOD ALMIGHTY...is something that, UNfortunately, is NOT a "common" pursuit of very many. Therefore, the BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING BLESSINGS...the fact that having wisdom is "more precious than rubies"...truly is NOT enjoyed by many.
And there it is...coming back to the wonderful, sweet, precious concept of submitting to GOD'S AUTHORITY...obeying and loving His commands and laws and principles. Since the FEAR of the LORD, according to Solomon (a man full of wisdom), brings this wisdom, it ALL starts with the attitude of JESUS CHRIST - the ULTIMATE picture and example of WISDOM...
"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (AND GET THIS...IT'S HUGE!) "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" - Philippians 2:6-8.
WOW! That's it! The KEY...JESUS now sits at the Right Hand of the Almighty GOD because He humbled Himself and OBEYED to the death.
THAT...is WISDOM! THAT is what
Gwen has spent a lifetime sharing and conveying to anyone and everyone who wants to see it and hear it. GOD is EVERYTHING. It's the first line on her
personal website!...the mission and drive behind ALL that is in
Weigh Down...and these happy
Weigh Down participants are benefitting from this FOCUS...that GOD is EVERYTHING! SO - sure...read, learn, study...know history, science, geography, etc...it's fine to know. But SEEK after, spend a LIFETIME looking for, HUNGER deeply for, do EVERYTHING to get...
WISDOM. We're talking wisdom...and the authority and obedience that precedes it...TODAY on
WDWB LIVE - 3:30pm CST. We hope you'll join us!