- Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life. - Proverbs 22:4
- Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD's anger. - Zephaniah 2:3
- When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. - Proverbs 11:2
- You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low. - II Samuel 22:28
- Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. - Deuteronomy 8:2
- For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. - Psalm 149:4
- I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. - Isaiah 13:11
- And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! - Philippians 2:8
Monday, August 31, 2009
HUMILITY - A Precious Jewel & Key to SALVATION
Friday, August 28, 2009
WISDOM & Discernment - SO Much More than "Common" Sense!
- "Knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight." - Definition as stated at www.dictionary.com.
- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." - Solomon, in the book of Proverbs, Chapter 9, Verse 10.
- Solomon ALSO says in Proverbs 8:11 that "wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her."
SO - why do most people NOT RUN after it? Ahhh...the 10 Trillion Dollar question!
You know what? It all comes back to something that Gwen repeatedly has taught and emphasized over the years that provides priceless insight into that all-important question...It boils down to AUTHORITY! You see, to seek WISDOM means you need to, according to Solomon, FEAR the LORD...meaning He is more powerful and more knowledgeable than any of us. Therefore, if that is the BEGINNING of Wisdom, you would need to SUBMIT your will and your decisions and your eating, drinking, spending, thinking, acting, etc. to HIM...in order to GET Wisdom. He's the provider of it, and so it is given on HIS terms. BUT...people don't want to do THAT. Sure...they'll read scientific words from Albert Einstein or humorous storytelling from Mark Twain or memoirs from Mother Theresa, but that's INFORMATION...not necessarily WISDOM. AND, you still "pick and choose" what you like and what you'll apply to your life. But KNOW THIS...If it's not rooted in TOTAL LOVE for and OBEDIENCE to GOD ALMIGHTY...it's just information...NOT wisdom. Gaining factual knowledge about the world around us has its place, but what REALLY matters? It's what HAPPENS...where our SOULS GO...for all eternity! Isn't it? You may have even heard that WISDOM basically is "common sense." Ohhh...it is SO much MORE than that! In FACT, the PURSUIT of wisdom really is quite UNcommon. The desperate PURSUIT of the love of, knowledge of, fear of, personality of, imitation of...GOD ALMIGHTY...is something that, UNfortunately, is NOT a "common" pursuit of very many. Therefore, the BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING BLESSINGS...the fact that having wisdom is "more precious than rubies"...truly is NOT enjoyed by many.
And there it is...coming back to the wonderful, sweet, precious concept of submitting to GOD'S AUTHORITY...obeying and loving His commands and laws and principles. Since the FEAR of the LORD, according to Solomon (a man full of wisdom), brings this wisdom, it ALL starts with the attitude of JESUS CHRIST - the ULTIMATE picture and example of WISDOM...
"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (AND GET THIS...IT'S HUGE!) "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" - Philippians 2:6-8.WOW! That's it! The KEY...JESUS now sits at the Right Hand of the Almighty GOD because He humbled Himself and OBEYED to the death. THAT...is WISDOM! THAT is what Gwen has spent a lifetime sharing and conveying to anyone and everyone who wants to see it and hear it. GOD is EVERYTHING. It's the first line on her personal website!...the mission and drive behind ALL that is in Weigh Down...and these happy Weigh Down participants are benefitting from this FOCUS...that GOD is EVERYTHING! SO - sure...read, learn, study...know history, science, geography, etc...it's fine to know. But SEEK after, spend a LIFETIME looking for, HUNGER deeply for, do EVERYTHING to get...WISDOM. We're talking wisdom...and the authority and obedience that precedes it...TODAY on WDWB LIVE - 3:30pm CST. We hope you'll join us!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
AMBITION - SelfLESS & Beautiful...or SelfISH & Destructive? Which do you have?
NOW - On with the Blog...
It has been fascinating to observe the "culture of celebrity" here in the United States...and what people are willing to do to ACHIEVE celebrity. It's a hunger, a thirst, an AMBITION that drives people to do nearly ANYTHING to rise in fame...whether it's politics, music, acting/movies/TV, sports, or anything related to "reality" videos and competitions. We referenced the "15 minutes of fame" concept in our Tuesday, August 25th Blog. Not only is it fascinating, it largely is SAD and ALARMING to watch unfold in so many cases. There exists in many people to either GO AFTER or at least WATCH OTHERS go after this insatiable desire to "reach the top"...whether it's political office, a #1 hit song, a highly grossing movie, a shot at money and/or victory on a "reality" show. Here's a few examples from the mixed world of politics, entertainment, and sports.
- The passing of Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy has re-focused media coverage and reports of Edward, John F., and Robert's father JOE KENNEDY. See this quote from a recent USA Today.com article by Jill Lawrence...
"Instead, he (Joe Kennedy) became what writer Vincent Bzdek calls a human blowtorch, propelling his sons into politics. He expected possibly all four to become president. He wanted to create a more lasting dynasty than the Roosevelts,' says Bzdek, author of The Kennedy Legacy: Jack, Bobby and Ted and a Family Dream Fulfilled."
- In the 1980s, stories circulated about University of Southern California (USC) and briefly of the NFL's Oakland Raiders quarterback TODD MARINOVICH, a young man raised and groomed almost from BIRTH by his father to be a star quarterback. He ate it, slept it, studied it, and played it. Sadly, he burned out on football, and his career was cut short after substance abuse troubles.
- Anyone familiar with pop music knows of MADONNA, who has been charting hit songs since the early 1980s. One of her earliest "breakout" moments...and a quote she's been known for throughout her career...came in 1984. After her debut album gained her a performance on "American Bandstand," host Dick Clark asked her what she wanted to do when she "grew up." She said, "Rule the world." She definitely has gone to great lengths throughout her career, transforming her public image time and time again to remain famous.
- SELFLESS AMBITION - Jesus Christ, even KNOWING He was about to embark on His mission to change the world for GOD'S glory and fame and praise, was SLOW and HESITANT to "become famous" before His time. When His mother Mary asked Him to, basically, perform what became His first miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding, His initial response was, "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come." He wanted to be SURE that GOD was ready to put Him into the public spotlight...never ASSUMING fame was His to take.
- SELFLESS AMBITION - The Apostle PAUL said in I Thessalonians 4:11-12, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, (and here's the key point...the WHY...the MOTIVE...) so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." HUGE!
- SELFLESS AMBITION - Before he was "King" David, the YOUNG David heard that the Philistine giant Goliath was taunting Israel and insulting GOD. He couldn't BELIEVE that NO ONE would, armed with the power of GOD, STAND UP to this disrespectful, blasphemous, arrogant man! And SO, as his quote goes, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied..." And GOD gave him victory on that day and for his LIFE.
- SELFISH AMBITION - Haman, high in command under King Xerxes, in his arrogance thought of himself as "untouchable," worthy of the King's highest honor. He hated Mordecai, a Jew, and sought to ERADICATE the land of all Jews, executing ALL of them. He didn't count on the humble and beautiful Queen Esther, also a Jew, at the risk of her own life graciously presenting her plea for life to the King...who quickly and angrily turned on King Xerxes and had him HANGED on the very same gallows that Haman had intended to use for Mordecai! Justice...
- SELFISH AMBITION - Absalom, errant son of King David, tried to win the hearts of the people by UNDERCUTTING his own FATHER! He died horribly...hung by his own HAIR and cut down.
- SELFISH AMBITION - Judas, the Apostle who betrayed Jesus, helped himself to the money collected for use in their ministry without permission. He didn't like the direction of Jesus' ministry. He betrayed the Son of GOD...and in remorse, he hung himself.
SO - what is our MOTIVE for ANYTHING we do...today and every day? SelfISH ambition isn't just "wanting to be famous." It can take on MANY forms. Lying about your work or a co-worker's work to "get ahead" with the boss. Backstabbing others to make yourself look better at a party or in an organization or even at CHURCH! It can be ANYTHING...ANYTHING that is NOT motivated by the selfLESS desire to MAKE GOD KNOWN. THAT was the ambition of Moses, Abraham, King David, Paul, Peter, and JESUS. It wasn't about personal achievement to be self-glorified. Here, today, Gwen Shamblin has testified and taught from the BEGINNING of this Weigh Down Ministry that her goal NEVER was to be a world-renown author and/or celebrity. By her own words, she wanted to "become a registered dietician and work in the bottom of a hospital with a hairnet on..." GOD since has used her relationship with Him and her humility to serve as an EXAMPLE of how to get people to find HIM! The RESULTS from that selfLESS ambition has been a worldwide ministry and church and COUNTLESS changed lives! VICTORY for GOD!
AMBITION - for GOD'S glory or our OWN glory? We'll talk about the CONTRAST in the two types TODAY on WDWB LIVE! Please join us at 3:30pm CST, and we'll offer conversation, testimony, and perspective on how this Ministry has CHANGED so many people's AMBITIONS. The only FULFILLING...TRULY SATISFYING ambition is the one that gives BACK...the ambition to glorify and bring attention to the all-powerful, wonderful, gracious, awesome GOD ALMIGHTY! Enjoy a day of selfLESS ambition!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Awesome WETV Feature! - PLUS...the Consequences of Choice & the Chain Reaction of Decision-Making
WOW! First thing's first! We are PRAISING GOD this morning for His powerful Hand...leading this Ministry's profile in the MEDIA right now! Did you SEE the WETV program "Secret Lives of Women" last night? The title is a little misleading...but behind the title, the point of last night's episode was about "extreme diets." NOW...anyone who knows ANYTHING about Weigh Down knows that NOTHING about it is "extreme." In FACT, here's a website that addresses that notion very specifically. The CONCEPT of returning to your normal, healthy weight WITHOUT dieting or "have-to" exercise is REVOLUTIONARY though in this generation. SO - on the show, Gwen and Weigh Down were featured as one of four types of "diets" or "philosophies of eating" profiled in an hour-long program. GOD really lifted UP and showed Gwen and this Ministry in a VERY POSITIVE, PRACTICAL, BEAUTIFUL light! It was wonderful! And when you looked and examined and compared the JOY and PEACE and RESULTS of how the Shamblins and Hannahs were shown...along with the Ministry and testimony footage...and the Remnant Fellowship church and the Assembly clips shown... VERSUS other options, it was AMAZING how GOD presented this to the world!!! Indeed, we PRAISE GOD!
- In recent political stories, former New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer resigned after being involved in a Prostitution scandal. Former Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards pulled out of the 2008 Presidential race as he admitted to a sexual affair.
- In financial news, long-time, world-renown financier Bernie Madoff was convicted and sentenced to prison for conducting a years-long Ponzi scheme, costing lots of people millions of dollars in invested money.
- In sporting news, football player Steve McNair was gunned down by a woman with whom he was having an affair and football player Donte Stallworth served jailtime and is suspended from playing in the NFL for a year after killing a man while "driving while intoxicated."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Media, Fame, Shock, & Reality TV...or a Testimony for GOD...A Choice Between 15 Minutes or Eternity
Monday, August 24, 2009
An excerpt of stats from a Boston Globe newspaper article...
"Loneliness is becoming a major health problem. In 1950, only 10% of households had just one person. In 1994, it had moved to 24%. Fewer than 10% age 25 to 44 live alone, but about 25% of those age 65 to 74 and about 40% for those over age 75. Some remain very happy- but supposedly only about 1/3. A 1990 Gallup study indicated that about 36% of Americans are lonely. More statistics:
- People who are isolated but healthy are twice as likely to die over a period of a decade as those not isolated. A study showed that the more isolated men are up to 25% more likely to die of all causes at any age versus non-isolated men. The odds for women are 33%.
- Living alone after a heart attack significantly increases the risk of dying.
- People with heart disease have a poorer chance of survival if they are unmarried or do not have someone to assist them.
- Women who are alone and have breast cancer live half as long as those who are not alone."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Looking forward to a great weekend!
Weigh Down
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Generation Y - The Birth Class of 1991 - Staying Connected Through TRUTH
"The 18-year-olds entering college this fall have lived their entire lives with Iraq as an enemy, Russia as a friend (and investment opportunity) and Ozzy Osbourne as a perpetual comeback kid. Born in 1991, most freshmen have grown up in a world that has always had mega-churches, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, Planet Hollywood and the Cartoon Network."
- Is a BLACKBERRY known more for being a plump, juicy fruit that is picked and used to make cobblers and pies...OR a cell phone/e-mail/internet/texting device used to connect with the world?
- What was the "Gulf War?" What was the "Cold War?"
- Was there ever a time when we DIDN'T have hundreds and even thousands of TV channels to choose from?
- What is a "cassette tape?" What's a "vinyl record?"
- How did people communicate before cell phones, e-mail and text messaging, instant messaging and chatting online?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Authority - How Upside-Down Have We Gotten?
"In the Gatineau case, a 12-year-old girl took her father to Quebec Superior Court after he said she couldn’t go on a school trip for disobeying his orders to stay off the Internet. When the father wouldn’t sign the release form for the trip, the child went to live with her mother, who encouraged the legal action that culminated in last week’s ruling."WOW! There actually are LOTS more stories like that going on right now...
"Nearly every action that the employer makes with regard to the suing employee will be under the microscope. And, a current employee that is suing their employor has access to other employees. Rumors can easily start to run rampant in the work place, and the risk of employee moral issues start to become a concern. The probability that 'copy cat' cases will be filed, is also significantly increased."
The GROWING list of those supposedly UNDER authority suing/accusing/undermining the one supposedly IN the position of AUTHORITY in EVERY type of business, sports organization, family relationship, etc. is staggering. It's nauseating. Those entrusted to OVERSEEING organizations/groups of people are, over time, losing their ability to effectively LEAD. But this isn't a "new thing." If you've taken Weigh Down's "Weigh Down Advanced" seminar series (please do if you haven't...it is SO revealing about the SPIRITUAL war that goes on all around us all the time), you'll be familiar with Weigh Down founder Gwen Shamblin's telling of the great "CEO story." It's a parable-like recounting, using MODERN terminology, of how satan (who at the time was an ANGEL) attempted to undermine and overthrow GOD'S authority in heaven so long ago. Satan eventually was cast OUT of heaven for his total lack of respect for GOD and his attempted mutiny against GOD. GOD was the "CEO" of all of creation...the Creator of heaven and then earth. Satan was an "employee," created to honor and love and serve the generous and awesome GOD who made EVERYTHING. Satan became jealous of that power and rebelled against GOD, earning him expulsion. In these times when the mentality, especially in the United States, is an attitude that says, "I've got my rights!" may we NEVER forget that the first sin wasn't the "deception of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden by satan," it was satan's ANTI-authority and jealousy towards GOD Himself! This is deep stuff, and it touches EVERY aspect of our lives! Employers and employees, husbands and wives, parents and children, coaches and players, law enforcement officers and private citizens...you get the idea. This touches us ALL.
Today on WDWB LIVE, we plan to talk about having the RIGHT and GODLY perspective on authority...how to be godly while IN a position of authority and how to be godly while UNDER others' authority. Gwen has said throughout the history of Weigh Down's videos, audios, and writings that making GOD SOVEREIGN in your life is KEY to understanding Him, knowing Him, and loving Him. He is so GOOD, and He deserves to be understood and loved and WORSHIPPED! Tune in today at 3:30pm CST, and we'll share in this discussion about how important a role that AUTHORITY plays in our lives. And if you miss a LIVE segment, don't worry! We normally put out our LIVE programs in PODCAST form as well! Finally, may today be a day when we TRULY have GOD as our ONE and ONLY GOD. May we live, breathe, talk, think, eat, drink, spend, and act WITHIN our loving and kind authority's will. As the great King David said about GOD and His commands and how he felt about them in Psalm 16:6,
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places..."
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Media Update - AND In a World of "Interconnectivity," what is our Role as Parents?
On with the Blog...
ALARMING STATS of the DAY regarding TEEN INTERNET COMMUNICATION - courtesy of netsmartz.org
- 71% reported receiving messages online from someone they don’t know.
- 45% have been asked for personal information by someone they don’t know.
- 30% have considered meeting someone that they’ve only talked to online
- 14% have actually met a person face-to-face they they’ve only spoken to over the Internet (9% of 13-15s; 22% of 16-17s).
- Only 18% said they’ll tell an adult...
Today on WDWB LIVE, we'll visit with REGINA SMITH, a parent herself of children ranging from the youngest grade school ages all the way up through college age. She'll have some great perspective on putting into PRACTICE these life-changing principles of being CLOSE to your children. The good, peaceful, happy relationships that she and her husband KENT have with their kids will inspire you. There is HOPE!
Monday, August 17, 2009
BREAKING NEWS! - Weigh Down is Featured on "The INSIDER" TV Show TONIGHT!
World Records & Leaving A Legacy - What REALLY Matters?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Communication - MY...How Times Have Changed! Or Have They?
- Generation Z (13-14 year olds) - 65% use MySpace, 61% use Facebook, 9% use Twitter, 0% use LinkedIn.
- Generation Y (15-29 year olds) - 75% use MySpace, 65% use Facebook, 14% use Twitter, 9% use LinkedIn.
- Generation X (30-44 year olds) - 76% use Facebook, 57% use MySpace, 18% use Twitter, 13% use LinkedIn.
- Baby Boomers (45-65 year olds) - 73% use Facebook, 40% use MySpace, 13% use Twitter, 13% use LinkedIn.
- World War II Generation (66 & older) - 90% use Facebook, 23% use MySpace, 17% use Twitter, 4% use LinkedIn.
- The BREAKTHROUGH Series won the vote, with a 42% response.
- The Legend To The TREASURE Series came in second place, with a 24% response.
- Weigh Down Advanced was third, with an 18% response.
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - NIV
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Facebook, Twitter, & Blogging...Oh My!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Internet Social Networking - Parents, Do You KNOW What Your Kids Are Doing?
"Common Sense Media has released the results of a national poll of teens and parents on social networking behaviors. 22% of teens check social networks more than 10 times a day, while only 4% of parents believe kids are checking SN (social networks) that much. 51% of teens check SN more than once a day, while only 23% of parents say their kids check them more than once a day. 28% have shared personal information that they normally wouldn't have shared in public."Whoa! Think about that...As a Staff here at Weigh Down and for ALL of us who are PARENTS, this should challenge us more than EVER to make sure we are AWAKE and have a loving, caring eye on what our KIDS are DOING...not just on what they SAY they are doing. We'll talk more today on WDWB LIVE at 3:30pm CST about social networking and the concept of FOCUSING on what's MOST important in life...in the middle of an ever-increasingly BUSY and more CONNECTED world.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
UPDATE - WDWB LIVE will re-launch WEDNESDAY, August 12th
WDWB - Real, Current, Relevant!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Back to School - Some great tips!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
PODCASTS! Listen any time you want...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Gwen Spoke Last Week at a Wedding - Watch a Clip!
For anyone who's ever heard and/or seen Gwen Shamblin speak, it's amazing how in-the-moment and relevant the words and presentation are. It's REAL, it's honest, and it's derived from her own experiences and relationship with GOD. That's why Gwen is able to connect so easily with anyone who's listening. We ALL need a right relationship with GOD, and these messages give everyone GREAT tips on how to HAVE that kind of a relationship with Him. And that's ALSO why WDWB is so helpful! YOU get to share in LOTS of those messages just by logging in and listening. In FACT, just last week, Gwen spoke at a wedding here in Nashville, and the response was overwhelming! We've got a brief but awesome VIDEO CLIP sample of it that you can view on our YouTube channel. CLICK HERE to watch...whether you're married or thinking of getting married. It'll be worth your few minutes of time! After you watch the clip, LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW and let us know what you think!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Getting Interactive!
On Monday, we let you know that we were excited about WDWB - Weigh Down Web Broadcasting (Web Radio) and all of its potential. Well, we REALLY want this to become MORE INTERACTIVE...meaning...we want YOU to "weigh in!" Yes, pun intended...We want YOUR feedback!
- We want to hear from YOU about your favorite Weigh Down quotes, audios, and videos.
- We want to hear about STORIES in the news and in YOUR lives related to weight and other addictions. They can be from any number of online sources.
- We'd LOVE to talk about your "weigh ins" (news and your life stories) and read YOUR E-MAILS on the air LIVE! Send your emails to wdwb@weighdown.com.