We're already RACING towards mid-August, and you can just feel FALL/AUTUMN around the corner! Our home offices are in the Nashville area...right in the heart of middle Tennessee...and one of the most BEAUTIFUL sights in all of GOD'S creation here is the landscape of the changing leaf colors. Creation really shows off GOD'S handiwork, and it TRULY shows that GOD is in CHARGE, and He has painted all of creation to be just overwhelming, incredible, UNDENIABLE evidence that HE is THERE and is all-powerful and loving and SO WORTHY of our love, worship, and total obedience to His amazing and clear commands! Take time today to THANK and PRAISE HIM for giving you eyesight to see it all!
On another note - POLL UPDATE from last Tuesday's Post - "What is your favorite Weigh Down seminar?" As of this morning, the BREAKTHROUGH Series is in the lead...with a 40 percent of the vote. The Legend to the TREASURE Series is running not too far behind with 26 percent of the vote! Let's give that Poll one more day. CLICK HERE to VOTE, and we'll publish the FINAL results mid-week...AND we'll start a new one mid-week as well! It's a GREAT day to be alive and have the CHANCE to live even one MINUTE for GOD!
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