GOD...the LORD and FATHER of all things we see and do not see...the CREATOR of every star, plant, animal, blade of grass, leaf on a tree, drop of water and every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD...US...experiences LOSS and GRIEF on a cataclysmic scale - ALL day, EVERY day. Every single day, billions of people (remember that WE are the ONLY beings in His Creation who are "made in His image") make CONSCIOUS DECISIONS to ignore His commands, complain to Him, deny Him, curse Him, and gripe about their OWN lives...being mad about what they DON'T have or DON'T like...rather than counting the BILLIONS of BLESSINGS that they DO have...the COUNTLESS JOYS that we GET to share in as human beings who have a CHANCE to be guided by HIS HOLY SPIRIT!!! THAT, dear friends, for our GREAT GOD ALMIGHTY, has GOT to be GRIEVING for HIM! How does He keep it up? How does He not give up on the whole thing? We read about the "fruits of the Spirit" (HIS Spirit) - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. My GOODNESS, does He EVER exemplify those in INFINITE measures! We of course will feel a pain and a loss if ONE thing goes wrong in our lives. CONSIDER though for just one moment...even right now as you're reading this...what HIS day, every day, is like.
- People full of greed...for TOO MUCH food, alcohol, money, sexual feelings...and this happens worldwide all day.
- People NOT giving Him credit when things are "going great" and people BLAMING Him when things happen that they don't understand.
- People conveniently asking for his "help" when they get into a "jam" and then totally forgetting about Him on a daily basis...never asking for His HOUR-by-HOUR leading.
- People treating everything else BUT Him as a "god"...from football to jobs to money to food to alcohol to sex to TV to THEMSELVES...when HE is the ONLY TRUE GOD.
The list of HIS justifiable "grievances" could go on and on for pages and pages and pages. YET, here we are...the world is spinning and we have a CHANCE to CHANGE PERSPECTIVES...starting RIGHT NOW as it needs to for any of us. TODAY is the day to CHOOSE to FEEL for HIM. Let's start every day with PRAISE for even LIFE ITSELF...before even ASKING for anything. Let's tell Him every day how SORRY we are that He DOES experience and endure SO MUCH GRIEF and PAIN every day.
Here's a quote from Gwen - "Grieve FOR GOD...Do not ADD to GOD'S grief."
The next time something happens that feels like a "loss" in any of our lives, let's fall to our knees and worship GOD for the patience He has had with all of us. In the middle of His grief, He has given us the eyes and ears to see and hear what His will is...even to this very day. We'll be discussing this concept...GRIEVING for GOD...on WDWB LIVE today at 3:30pm CST. And DON'T FORGET to set your alarm, double-check your computer and internet connection, block off the time, and do EVERYTHING you CAN do be available to watch TONIGHT'S FREE Weigh Down LIVE Webcast at 7:00pm CST. Gwen and several people testifying will share how to have a GODLY perspective on "Surviving Today's Economy." This perspective will provide HELP and ENCOURAGEMENT for EVERYONE! Please join us on the Web Radio this afternoon and on the Webcast this evening. Until then, let's PRAY to feel more of our GREAT and BEAUTIFUL GOD'S grief...and resolve ourselves to RELIEVE some of it with our own lives...never ADD to it.
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